If the last two weeks and even months, when looked at by someone outside of my head, were typical, if not amazing, then that it is the fact: it was all good. Any turmoil was limited to my own brain. Hmm, so that means that life was and is great, yet in my own mind there was unwarranted and unrealistic fear and worry. That worry made me enjoy the reality a lot less than I would have had I been less in my own head and more involved in what was actually happening. Now, had my mind been in synch with the reality which was in fact great, I would have enjoyed it a lot more and most likely others would have as well. So what I’m asking of my brain and mind is to see the actual reality for what it really is and to just get with the program. Realize that everything has always turned out good, things are good right now, and things will be good in the future as well. And any fears or negative thoughts are just worries and not actuality or reality. Worries may appear real but we know for a fact based on the facts and extensive past experience that they are nothing other than worries that are not happening and which will never happen. That said, let’s let go of the fake worries and let’s focus on the actual reality.
And here’s an important advantage: Many people do really have realistic negativity in their lives as well as realistic worries. In their case, they still have to challenge their worries because as likely as they are to happen, they are still inactionable thoughts and worries that are not taking place at the time, and which may never actually happen, regardless of how likely. In my case, I do not need to look past real negativity or actual likely negative outcomes because there are none! I simply need to let go of the worry instinct and habit and get with the actuality and reality which is good! On top of all that, since I did not turn to anything that would compound the worry problem such as alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, etc. I don’t have anything other than the worry itself to get rid of! Isn’t that amazing?? I don’t have to see through any real problems, I don’t have to overcome any addictions, I didn’t let the worry stop me from doing anything at all, so there’s no harm done to my family life and job as a result, and I have plenty of positive things to turn to – so everything is the same, everything is amazing, I know that the feeling is one of worry and fear, I know that the fears have never actualized, I know that none of the fears are real at the present time, and I know why I am prone to worry, I know how to address the worries, I have seen success in tackling my fears, and I am chipping away at the general tendency to see or expect negativity. And the best part is that the subconscious brain is seeing a pattern: none of the fears and worries have ever actualized, none are actual at the moment, and as a result, it can deduce that none are likely to ever happen. So now Mr. Worry is left hanging out to dry, naked and exposed. It creates its own symptoms resulting from lack of focus and distraction and then points to them as “proof” that the worry is true. Oh, and it’s so pathetic, that it points to events that in the end were never even real and where I actually did the right and smart thing, and uses them to scare me. The scare itself triggers the panic even though the trigger was false to begin with. But I’ve got its number because I know that:
• There is nothing real to worry about
• The “evidence” to support the worry is either false, normal, or caused by the worry itself
• The worry has been proven false time and time again, and all past experience show them to be 100% false
• There is a ton of positive all around me that it’s trying to keep me from
So now we’re down to a problem with “worrying” itself – no other problems! The “proofs” are normal, false scares, or self-caused. So, knowing that it’s just worry and no real problems, the worry is on its own with no life support. Baseless worry. So why do I hold on to worry if it’s been proven baseless time and time again? Although my conscious brain is fully aware, perhaps my subconscious has not yet completely given up on the false belief that worry is:
• The most unlikely scenarios that have never actualized
• The most unlikely scenarios that will never actualize
• Unhelpful, useless, unbeneficial thoughts that will not and have never helped prepare for, prevent, or cope with a negative scenario
• Disruptive and distressing
• Controllable and stoppable
• Hurting me my preventing me from enjoying the joys of the great life I was granted
The brain only holds onto behaviors that it believes are helpful and beneficial. By the subconscious brain changing its beliefs about worry – and that’s all it is, worry – it will let go of that behavior because it will then know that it is not helpful or beneficial, and most of all that it is not even necessary or based in any fact. It only needs to look at the patterns of events to see that only positive has and will happen despite the worry, as realistic as it may have appeared at the time, and it will see that the worry never helped with anything and it only caused useless emotional distress. So that said, the brain which acts on instinct and self-preservation will let go of the underlying worry impulse, seeing that it was never necessary, is not needed, is unhelpful, has never been helpful, and can be easily stopped once it is clear that it is not needed and unwarranted. It also has the benefit of plenty of actuality to focus on, to distract itself from thinking too much about what isn’t happening. So all the facts, past historical proof and patterns, tools and knowledge are in place, the worry was isolated, and now it’s down to the impulse to worry for no reason at all. Now, the subconscious needs to continue to be drilled and flooded with this information until it changes its emotional and physical behavioral reactions, as a result of its cognitive modification about worry. It is happening and will continue to happen. Drill, baby, drill!
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